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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Sitting posture with neck, shoulder and back pain

Why do I have shoulder pain? When we sit, our shoulders have to support the weight of our head, just like our legs have to support our body weight when we stand. Therefore, for people who sit for long periods of time, the shoulders have to

High blood pressure foods to avoid

Just think before you eat and you can control your high blood pressure. We recommend foods that you should reduce or avoid. Self-care for those with high blood pressure, avoiding such food and having regular self-monitoring of blood pressure using a blood pressure monitor with

Elderly people with back pain

Elderly people with back pain Elderly back pain is another common problem that should not be overlooked. Because in some elderly people, back pain significantly affects their daily life, such as getting up and walking or doing various activities is difficult, including sleeping because some

Microwave breakfast Ideas that are easy to make and delicious.

Breakfast is considered the main meal and is very important for the body. Because the body needs nutrients to increase energy after not receiving any nutrients for many hours of sleep, making the stomach empty. And to make the body ready for every activity to

Easy tips for cleaning carpets so it looks like new again.

Carpets are more than just a piece of home decor, they are also a basic part of the environment that adds color and warmth to a home. However, in a household with multiple family members, pets, and food or drink spills, your carpet can become

How to choose the right trash cans for home use.

If we talk about trash cans, we must say that it is quite a worrying thing. Because if you choose a low-quality one, you can be sure that there will be a bothersome smell of trash or there may be a mess of trash water.