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Monthly Archives: September 2023

Is mineral water better than plain water?

Many people believe that mineral water is more beneficial than plain water. Maybe because the source of the mineral water is natural. And there is no chlorine smell. Therefore making consumers more confident. In addition, mineral water has Micronutrients.  such as calcium, which are beneficial to health and have a

Benefits of drinking water.

Water is an important factor for processes within the body. Such as flushing toxins from the organs. or bringing nutrients and oxygen to various cells. Including other benefits as follows: How much water should you drink per day? Every day, the body loses water through urination,

Is Himalayan pink salt really beneficial?

Pink salt has a chemical composition of Sodium Chloride and has a saltier taste than general salt used in households. But it has lower sodium content. A 1/4 teaspoon of regular salt contains 581 milligrams of sodium. While the same amount of pink salt has 388 milligrams of sodium.

Symptoms of depression.

Depression in each patient has different symptoms depending on the severity of the disease, gender, or age. They may have feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, loneliness, hopelessness, and easily irritated. These emotions will have More intense and lasting longer than normal  It